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A fractional CTO


Casual Meeting

Short term help

A fractional CTO can help for a few weeks with a specific challenge you are having. This can include recruiting your next technical leader, developing a product strategy or filling an interim role during a vacation.


This is an ideal way to get to know each other and how I can save you money.

Man at Work

2-3 months help

You may need someone to help get a project started, maybe select vendors, or at the end of a project, help get things under control and delivered.


This is ideal for a one-time engagement where you have a known problem and need someone to come in and take care of it.

Man at Work
Business Meeting
Business representative

A long term engagement

Your development team is excellent; you wish you could tap into expertise occasionally as you grow. This is the model you’ll want. Build that trust relationship with an expert to help develop and nurture your existing team and have the skills on demand when needed.


This is for later-stage startups looking to get past the initial stage of development and grow into a mature organization.

Copyright Vincent Deschenes - 2023

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